The Complete Guide to eCommerce Development 2024

British Grocery Store

Connecting payment and inventory management systems to a largest UK online food superstore
20 000+

products stocked

1 500+



years on Multi-Vendor

The British Grocery Store is based on the Multi-Vendor platform installed on our hosting and connected to payment and inventory management systems to enhance customer experience and ease the work with the platform.

Business Area





Integrate Nochex Payment System

Integrate Linnworks Inventory Management System

Implementing the project

Here we’ll tell you how we customized the project to improve its efficiency and functionality.

Integration of Nochex Payment System

Customers and admins now can choose a new payment method for the standard CS-Cart checkout and order processing. The “Nochex payment“ popup form appears after clicking Place order.  Once the form is submitted, the customer is redirected to the Nochex checkout payment gateway “complete payment” page and is returned to the store’s “Thank you” page when the payment is done. Additionally, we added an extra check of the payment data on the Multi-Vendor side to avoid unauthorized orders approval.

Integration of the Linnworks Inventory Management System

For the British Grocery Store admins, we added product inventory data synchronization between Linnworks and CS-Cart using the cron script. The script updates the “In stock“ product setting and maps products using the “Product code” field on the CS-Cart side and the “Item Number“ on the Linnworks side. After orders are placed, they are automatically sent from CS-Cart to Linnworks. Linnworks gets the product, user, and the order information. Our developers also implemented mapping of the order statuses. The status is changed to the one specified in Linnworks when a tracking number is received.


A greater choice of payment methods for customers and a handy inventory management system for administrators