Product badges, known as product labels or product stickers, are an effective way to highlight products in an online store. You can apply a product badge by combining some text or an image with some design flair to make the badge stand out. Want to spotlight your best-selling products? Add a Bestselling Products label! Or, put a New Collection badge on the product thumbnail. Ideas are numerous. The goal is to catch the customers’ eyes.
Product labels focus visitors on a product you want to sell. You manage the shoppers’ attention with a well-thought short message written in the corner of the product thumbnail. The default CS-Cart functionality for product labels is not enough to unleash your imagination and self-customize badges on your products with specific text or eye-catching graphics. You won’t be able to change access settings for your vendors to give or take the power of putting smart product labels to specific items.
Product Labels by Simtech Development resolve these inconveniences with the default functionality. It has just been revamped to include more killer features!
Product label information: what should be on a product label?
The product label must give your visitors information about:
- Special offers, discounts, seasonal sales;
- Notifications about item low amount in stock.
You can add more creativity to product badges. Here are some extra ideas for product labeling in your online store/marketplace:
- Add social proof: put a string with a social approval like Stylist Choice, Expert-Recommended, Popular, Partner of (Company Name)
- Add extra information to highlight key features: Plastic-Free, Veg, Regular Shipping.

Why are labels on products important?
Labeling product thumbnails in online stores/marketplaces:
- Helps to grab the attention of a customer with a short text or visual trigger;
- Highlights special offers or updates in the inventory (August Sale, Fall Collection);
- Encourages potential buyers to purchase the product by creating fear-of-missing-out effect (In High Demand);
- Inspires trust in your customers (Secure Ordering, 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed, Easy Returns);
- Increases awareness about the product’s main features (Genuine Leather, Created from Waste).

How do I make my own product labels online with the CS-Cart platform?
CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor platform owners can apply standard product labels like Sale and Free Shipping.
With the Product Labels plugin by Simtech Development, the default functionality can be expanded.
The Product Labels add-on allows to show unlimited promotional tags like NEW, HIT, BLACK FRIDAY, CYBER MONDAY, NEW SEASON, FREE SETUP, or PRESENT for products on the product listing page and product details page, which will help you make your business stand out and attract customers’ attention.
It allows you to add graphic labels by inserting your own thumbnail.
Key features
- Create text and graphic labels;
- Attach labels to products on the product properties’ tab;
- Search for labels on the product list in the admin panel;
- Label filters;
- Customize the look and feel of default and custom labels;
- Show labels on a quick view of the product and on its detailed page, on a homepage, and in the lists on the category page.
Meet the refactored Product Labels by Simtech Development, the first plugin for CS-Cart that can work with vendor plans.
What’s new about Simtech Development Product Labels for CS-Cart?
The Simtech Development Product Labels is the first add-on for CS-Cart that can work with vendor plans. With our plugin, you can assign vendors who can access product labeling on their mini-stores. They will be able to access specific labels that you allowed them to show on their products. Managing access to killer features of the Product Labels plugin can be a special offer to trigger your vendors to purchase a higher vendor plan!
read more about the add-on functionalities…
More advantages with SimtechDev Product Labels:
[+] Unlimited number of custom product labels: realize your own product label ideas that work better in your area!
[+] More themes adapted for Product Labels: Generation Z, Vanilla, Rome, UniTheme2, YOUPI are now tailored to seamlessly operate with labels.
[*] Optimized creation logic and structure: you set your own product labels with more comfort and in no time.
Starting from September 01, 2020, the price for Product Labels by Simtech Development will be augmented for all versions of Multi-Vendor software. Hurry up to buy the refactored Product Labels at the old price!