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3 rules for product descriptions to increase your sales!

Have you ever thought about how your sales depend on how you describe your products? Think of any bazaar where street vendors entice you to buy their goods which you would “find nowhere else”. You believe them and make a purchase. Maybe the next day you will wonder why you ever bought it. So, vivid descriptions make sales. The same thing happens with online stores. In this article, we are going to look at some successful product descriptions and, using these examples, deduce which features increase sales.

Target audience

Volcom is an online store where you can find clothes for teenagers. They making funny product descriptions by include slang to prove that their clothes will suit stylish young boys and girls. They use informal speech to describe a T-shirt for boys, which is appropriate in this case.

Example of product description
Example of product description

Another good example is the Converse online store which underlines that sneakers improve your self-expression. They also use more everyday speech to emphasize that these casual shoes are created for everyone.

Example of product description

Sell with love

How did you choose your niche? Is your business connected with your hobby or with your personal preferences? Even if it isn’t, you should care about the goods that you sell.
You should especially give detailed information about cosmetics and electronics. Look at this example from the site

Information about the product

Here you can find all you need to know about the beauty products that you might want to add to your shopping bag. The buyer should get the product exactly as described. For electronics, it is a good idea to give reviews and full specifications. This is an example of  from Lenovo online store.

Product reviews in online stores

Good example of including video review into product description you can see on Zappos:

Video review in product descriptions

Hire professionals or follow some language rules

Customer Questions and answers

Of course there are special companies that can write product descriptions for you. These professionals are not only dedicated to writing descriptions that sell, but can also optimize content if necessary. If you do not want to spend money on this service, try to follow some rules: avoid plain descriptions like “high-quality product”, “excellent quality”, etc. These phrases don’t prove anything and do not play a significant role. Try to support your product with facts from your own experience or your clients’ feedback. As you know, people look for suggestions on what to buy. Provide a page with comments to show people that you do not want to cheat them. For example, Amazon toys provides customers’ reviews on their online store and people happily leave comments to help each other. 
It is also a great way to create a community and encourage people to spend more time in your online store. It also will increase your sales.

So, these were some examples; now let’s make a checklist of necessary items to include in your product description:

1. Unique text. Your customers direct their focus to search engines when they are in search of products. Relevant terms position you at the top of the results list.

2. Detailed information about the appearance of the product. Your customers need to know the actual size, material and weight of the item that they want to buy.

3. Full set of products. If you sell MP3s and a special case along you’re your phones, don’t forget to describe the accessories in the same way as the main product.

4. Video review. You can make a video review yourself to provide your clients with “vivid” descriptions.

5. User manual. Attach a user manual so that clients can download it if necessary.

6. Information about stock-in-trade. Your clients should be well-informed about the quantity of products.

7. Information about brand and the producer. If your customers know the brand and like it, they may be interested in who produces it and where.

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