The Complete Guide to eCommerce Development 2024

XML & CSV Import Pro Released – Upload Large Product Lists On the Fly

Meet our refreshed add-on – XML & CSV Import Pro, an add-on that automates importing suppliers’ lists to your CS-Cart platform keeping them always accurate and up-to-date. 

It’s quite often when suppliers submit their feeds non-stop in a random format with randomly named or placed columns. Manual adding and tracking changes in the existing lists will make you go nuts especially when prices or other attributes change constantly. 

What if we say that the new add-on not only automates refreshing data feeds, but also maps fields, converts the currency, clones the import profiles, and modifies the imported data? 

With this add-on, your inventory import, mapping, and synching goes on autopilot. 

Scheduled product list uploading using cron - import the whole catalog daily and update prices and stock every 5 minutes

One more reason to use XML&CSV Import Pro

The add-on automatically uploads large product lists. Once uploaded, a special script syncs them over time to maintain the relevance of the imported data. These lists are always fresh and up-to-date thanks to synchronization. Then, the product lists can be exported as product feeds. 

Tip: Use the feeds in ad managers, Google Ads or Yandex Direct, to promote only the relevant products. If an item is missing, there is no sense to advertise it. When you update your feeds manually, it is a huge task to track what product is out of stock and thus should not be advertised further. With XML & CSV Import Pro, you get only the latest product lists and feeds. You won’t spend your budget in vain promoting out-of-stock items. 

Features you will love

  • Seamless import of data in the XML, CSV, and YML (Yandex Market Language) formats
  • Scanning product fields for dynamic setting and matching
  • Field and category mapping to overcome the divergent data formats of suppliers and synchronize only the appropriate data fields to your store
  • Adding products missing from the database
  • Super-fast uploading and syncing product data including the new ones
  • Automatic updating of pricing and inventory changes 
  • Scheduled product list uploading using cron – import the whole catalog daily and update prices and stock every 5 minutes
  • Cloning import profiles to save your time on creating profiles with similar settings
  • Modifying of the already imported files to add extra charges to the vendor’s prices
  • Uploading large files with an ability to track the import process in a separate window
  • Assigning different privileges to administrators to manage the catalog
  • Currency conversion during import

You can map CSV, XML, YML fields, categories to match product categories from the import file with product categories in your store.

Category Mapping
Category Mapping

With a CRON job, you can start importing automatically according to a schedule at a frequency that is convenient for you. For example, set up the CRON job to start importing daily and synching twice a day. The script will run automatic uploading of the product database. It will also sync the list with your store to include further changes. All of it at a time assigned by you!

Importing products by cron
Importing by cron

Modifiers will help you to import data according to the rules you set. For example, you can multiply by some factor to have a ready-made pricing that includes your markup.

The cloning feature will save your time on creating similar lists. You can add your changes once cloning is complete.

Cloning feature
Cloning feature

What do users say

The add-on worked as expected. Imported 2500 products at ease. Categories and values stored properly. Thanks!

George Tempelis

The addon does exactly what is supposed to do. It saves you a lot of time. Great Work!!!!

Vasileios Perkatis

great plugin and do what it says! clear code without bugs! I recomend it to everyone.

kostas iliadis

Benefits you get

  • More time for managing your business without the hassle of cleaning up the mess in the product feeds
  • No excuse for human factor – data uploads and updates automatically
  • Simple and fast inventory management – you save your efforts on matching suppliers’ lists to your product feed format and keep it uniform

Why is XML & CSV Import Pro better than similar add-ons?

There are not so many quality import add-ons for the CS-Cart platform at the market that comply with the strict coding rules of the original developer. A default add-on is available out of the box – Advanced Product Import. It allows adding special presets to ease uploading feeds. Besides, the standard add-on solves the problem of matching fields and column names that vary in the suppliers provided lists. Like XML & CSV Import Pro, it has modifiers – special functions to change data after importing. As our add-on, it can run automatically at certain intervals to update feeds.  In addition to XML and CSV, it has Yandex Market Language format allowing you to accept YML products lists. 

XML & CSV Import Pro add-on expands the features available by default. It is much more powerful in terms of performance and processing speed. See the table below to compare functionality of both add-ons:

 Advanced products importXML & CSV Import Pro
File import FormatXML, CSVXML, CSV, YML, JSON
Support of the XML container format
Common products add-on compatibility
Import by vendor ability
Primary fields setupProduct code obligatory fieldPrimary field can be mentioned, and additional field can be selected;Select the primary fields check:All: Selection is performed for primary and additional fields simultaneouslyCascade: Selection is performed for the primary field first, and then for the additional field
Category mapping
Automatic category mapping
Characteristic mapping
Options mapping
Currency conversion while importing
CSV & XML Import Pro vs Advanced Product Import


We conducted the speed test results to compare the performance of the default Advanced Product Import and our XML & CSV Import Pro. It was found that XML & CSV Import can process the same number of items in less time.

Processing speed
Processing speed

The better processing is, the less memory is consumed meaning that the overall import runs faster:


XML & CSV Import Pro has an almost hands-free super-easy import process and an intuitive interface that makes complicated import tasks simple and fast. There are no special requirements that the elements in your file must be laid out in a certain way. The add-on really can import any XML, YML or CSV files. XML & CSV Import Pro can be used to make the product feed uploading accurate, hassle-free, automatic, and clear.
