The Complete Guide to eCommerce Development 2024

Laravel vs Symfony: Choosing the Best PHP Framework

Laravel vs Symfony

Choosing the rest PHP framework for your web development projects can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it’s important to understand the main differences between popular frameworks like Laravel and Symfony.

Laravel and Symfony are great for eCommerce development because they allow you to implement complex calculation and synchronization mechanics without taking up as many resources as if these mechanics were implemented purely in PHP.

Whether you’re looking to build a simple website or a complex web application, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of Laravel and Symfony will help you choose the most suitable option for your development needs. So let’s get started and explore the main difference between Laravel vs Symfony!

What is Laravel

Laravel is a popular open-source PHP framework that is used for web application development. It provides a clean and elegant syntax, making it easy for developers to write code. Laravel follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, which helps in separating the business logic from the presentation layer. It comes with a wide range of features and tools that simplify common tasks, such as routing, caching, database management, and authentication. Laravel also has a vibrant community and extensive documentation, making it a preferred choice for developers looking to build robust and scalable web applications.

Need more details about Laravel-based development?

Advantages of Using Laravel

Laravel offers several advantages that make it a preferred choice for web development projects.

One of the key benefits of using Laravel is its simplicity and ease of use. The framework provides a clean and intuitive syntax, making it easier for developers to write code efficiently. Laravel comes with a comprehensive documentation that offers detailed explanations and examples, aiding developers in understanding its functionalities.

Another advantage of Laravel is its robust ecosystem. The framework has a wide range of built-in features and libraries that simplify common web development tasks. For instance, Laravel’s ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) called Eloquent provides an elegant way to interact with databases, reducing the need for writing complex SQL queries.

Laravel also excels in providing excellent community support. With a large and active community of developers, there are numerous online resources available such as forums, tutorials, and packages created by the community members themselves. This means that if you encounter any issues or have questions while working with Laravel, you can easily find help from experienced developers.

Some key features that set Laravel apart include:

  1. Routing System: Laravel’s routing system allows developers to define clean and organized routes for their applications. It supports RESTful routing, making it easier to handle HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.
  2. Blade Templating Engine: Laravel’s Blade templating engine enables developers to build dynamic views easily. It offers features like template inheritance, control structures (if statements and loops), and includes components for reusable code snippets.
  3. Authentication and Authorization: Laravel provides built-in authentication scaffolding, making it effortless to implement user registration, login/logout functionality, password resets, and more. It offers fine-grained authorization controls through policies and gates.
  4. Artisan CLI Tool: Artisan is a powerful command-line interface (CLI) tool provided by Laravel. It automates repetitive tasks like generating boilerplate code, running migrations, clearing caches, and much more.
  5. Integration Ability: Laravel is known for its excellent support for building and integrating APIs. It provides a powerful and developer-friendly way to create RESTful APIs. Laravel’s built-in features such as routing, controllers, middleware, and Eloquent ORM make it easy to build and integrate APIs seamlessly. Additionally, Laravel’s support for API authentication, resource classes, and API testing tools further simplifies the process of integrating APIs into your applications.

Disadvantages of Using Laravel

While Laravel has many advantages, it is important to consider its limitations as well.

One potential drawback is the performance overhead associated with some of the features provided by Laravel. For example, the features in Laravel may incur a performance overhead. Due to its popularity and frequent updates, backward compatibility can be an issue with new versions of Laravel. Upgrading your application to newer versions might require making changes to your existing codebase to ensure compatibility.

Laravel: Pros and Cons

Powerful and flexiblePHP framework,
which means there are difficulties
with long-term version support.
Because of this, when updating
the PHP version on a project,
certain difficulties may arise
Large and active community
Built-in authentication
Easy integration with APIs

Read more: Why Use Laravel for an eCommerce Site in 2023

What is Symfony

Symfony is an open-source PHP web application framework that also follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It provides a set of reusable components and tools that enable developers to build robust and scalable web applications more efficiently. Symfony is known for its flexibility, extensibility, and adherence to best practices, making it a common choice among developers for building complex and high-performance applications. With its comprehensive documentation and active community, Symfony framework offers a wealth of resources and support for developers of all skill levels.

Pros of Choosing Symfony as a Framework

Symfony, another widely used PHP framework, offers its own set of advantages that make it a strong contender in the web development space.

One significant advantage of Symfony is its flexibility and modularity. The framework follows a component-based architecture, allowing developers to utilize only the necessary components for their Symfony eCommerce projects. This modularity provides greater control over the application’s structure and promotes code reusability.

Symfony also excels in terms of performance. Here are some notable features that make Symfony stand out:

  1. Event-Driven Architecture: Symfony embraces the event-driven architecture, allowing developers to decouple components and build highly maintainable applications. Events and listeners provide a flexible way to trigger actions based on specific events occurring within the application.
  2. Form Component: Symfony’s Form component simplifies the process of building and handling forms in web applications. It provides reusable form elements, validation rules, data transformation, and easy integration with popular frontend frameworks like Vue.js and React.
  3. Debugging Tools: Symfony offers a suite of debugging tools that help developers identify and fix issues efficiently.

Cons of Choosing Symfony as a Framework

Symfony is a widespread PHP framework for web development. However, it has some downsides to consider. One downside is that it can be difficult to learn, especially for beginners. It has a complex structure and many components, which can make it overwhelming. This might be a problem if you have a tight deadline or need to train new developers quickly. 

Another drawback is that Symfony may not perform as well as other frameworks for projects that require high performance. Its extensive features can sometimes slow down execution times. Optimizing Symfony applications for better performance can take extra time and effort. As a feature-rich framework, certain components may introduce additional processing time and memory usage compared to more lightweight frameworks like Laravel.

Lastly, while Symfony has extensive documentation and community support, it can be overwhelming to navigate through all the available resources. The community is constantly changing, so older resources may become outdated. Developers may need to spend extra time researching and staying updated with the latest practices. 

In short, Symfony has its advantages but also some challenges to consider before using it for your project.

Symfony: Pros and Cons

Robust and flexible frameworkSteep learning curve
Large and active communityPHP framework,
which means there are difficulties
with long-term version support.
Because of this, when updating the PHP version
on a project, certain difficulties may arise
Rich ecosystem of bundles and librariesCan be overwhelming for small projects
Well-documented and follows best practicesCan be resource-intensive

Performance Overview: Laravel vs Symfony

It’s essential to understand how efficiently each framework handles high traffic loads. Comparing the speed, response time, and resource utilization between both frameworks can help developers make an informed choice for their projects.

Speed and Response Time

Laravel and Symfony are both powerful PHP frameworks that excel in different areas. In terms of speed, Laravel is known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it a preferred choice among developers who prioritize rapid development. It provides a smooth learning curve and offers various features out-of-the-box, which can contribute to faster development time.

On the other hand, Symfony is renowned for its robustness and flexibility. While it may have a steeper learning curve compared to Laravel, it compensates with superior performance when handling complex applications. The framework’s architecture allows for efficient code reuse, resulting in optimized execution speed.

Resource Utilization

Resource utilization is another crucial aspect to consider when comparing Laravel and Symfony. Both frameworks have their own approaches to managing resources effectively.

Laravel utilizes an expressive syntax that simplifies common tasks while maintaining performance efficiency. It includes features like caching mechanisms that enhance application speed by reducing database queries or expensive computations. Laravel’s Blade templating engine optimizes rendering times by generating lightweight HTML templates.

Symfony takes a modular approach with its reusable components known as bundles. These bundles allow developers to add or remove functionalities as needed, minimizing unnecessary resource consumption. Furthermore, Symfony incorporates advanced caching techniques such as byte code caching and HTTP cache headers to improve overall application performance.

Usage Statistics of Laravel and Symfony

Laravel and Symfony are two PHP frameworks widely used for web application development. Let’s dive into the usage statistics and market share of these frameworks to get a better understanding of their popularity in the PHP development landscape.

Laravel Popularity

Laravel Popularity

Laravel has gained significant traction in recent years. Its user-friendly syntax, extensive documentation, and robust features have contributed to its widespread adoption among developers. According to BuiltWith, as of 2021, Laravel holds a substantial market share of around 21% among all websites using PHP frameworks. This showcases its dominance in the PHP ecosystem.

One reason behind Laravel’s popularity is its focus on developer productivity. The framework provides an elegant and expressive syntax that simplifies complex tasks, allowing developers to build applications quickly and efficiently. Laravel offers a vast ecosystem with numerous packages and libraries that further enhance its functionality.

The strong community support surrounding Laravel is another factor contributing to its success. The Laravel community actively contributes to the framework’s growth by developing new packages, sharing knowledge through forums and tutorials, and organizing conferences or meetups worldwide. This vibrant community fosters collaboration and ensures continuous improvement of the framework.

Symfony Adoption Rate

Symfony Adoption Rate

Symfony is another prominent PHP framework known for its flexibility, scalability, and stability. While it may not have achieved the same level of popularity as Laravel, it has established itself as a reliable choice for enterprise-level applications. Symfony boasts a modular architecture that allows developers to pick only the components they need for their projects.

Symfony holds approximately 9% among websites utilizing PHP frameworks (BuiltWith data). Although this figure may be lower than Laravel’s market share, it still reflects Symfony’s significant presence in the development community.

REST API in Symfony vs Laravel

The role of REST API in PHP language is to provide a way for different applications to communicate with each other over the internet. REST API allows developers to create web services that can be accessed by other applications, regardless of the programming language or platform they are using.

In PHP, developers can create REST APIs using frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, or Slim. These frameworks provide built-in support for creating RESTful APIs and handling HTTP requests and responses.

Building RESTful APIs in Laravel

In Laravel, developers can define routes using its expressive routing system. They can specify different HTTP methods and associate them with corresponding controller methods. This makes it simple to handle various API endpoints and their respective actions. Laravel also includes a powerful query builder called Eloquent ORM, which simplifies database operations when working with models. This makes it easier to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on resources within the API.

Furthermore, Laravel supports data validation through its validation rules feature. Developers can easily validate incoming requests before processing them further. This ensures that only valid data is accepted by the API endpoints.

Implementing RESTful APIs in Symfony

Symfony provides a robust framework for building RESTful APIs. It follows the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST) and offers various features and tools to simplify the process.

To implement RESTful APIs in Symfony, developers can leverage its built-in routing system. This allows them to define routes that map to specific controllers and actions, making it easy to handle different HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

Symfony also provides a powerful serializer component that helps in converting objects into different formats such as JSON or XML. This comes in handy when dealing with data serialization and deserialization for API requests and responses.

Choosing the Best Framework for Your Project

Let’s sum it up. Choosing the right framework is crucial. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which one is best suited for your project.

Consider Project Requirements

Before diving into the comparison between Symfony and Laravel, it’s essential to assess your project requirements. Take into account factors such as scalability, flexibility, and ease of use. Each framework has its own strengths and weaknesses that may align differently with your specific needs.

Read more: Functional and Business Requirements for an eCommerce

Evaluate Scalability and Flexibility

Scalability is an important consideration when choosing a framework. If you anticipate that your project will grow significantly in terms of size or complexity, you’ll want a framework that can handle the increased demands. Both Symfony and Laravel are capable of handling complicated projects, but they have different approaches.

Assess Ease of Use

The ease of use factor should not be overlooked when making your decision. Consider the learning curve associated with each framework and how comfortable you are working with them. 

Look at Reusability

Another aspect to consider is reusability. A good framework should offer reusable components that can save time and effort in development. Symfony excels in this area by providing a robust set of reusable components that can be used across different projects. Laravel also offers reusable components, but the ecosystem is not as extensive as Symfony’s.

Consider the Template Engine and Models

The choice of template engine and models can greatly impact your development experience. Symfony uses Twig as its default template engine, known for its simplicity and security features. Laravel, on the other hand, utilizes Blade, a lightweight and intuitive template engine.

Our customer approached us with the request for a system that would simplify the legal processes associated with intellectual property registration. The challenge was to digitize the processes entirely while maintaining their legal validity. To address this challenge, we chose to implement blockchain technology, which offers unparalleled data integrity and protection against hacking and data falsification.

Our team chose Laravel for the system. The choice of Laravel for the project was driven by its combination of robust features, developer-friendly environment, and the ability to meet the specific needs of the project while ensuring efficient and secure development. 

The use of Laravel and best practices in development helped to expedite development, improve code quality, and ensure the system was scalable and maintainable.

Laravel is well-suited not only for legal systems but for eCommerce too due to its built-in security features, efficient routing, and a large ecosystem of packages. It also provides easy integration with third-party services, making it an ideal choice for developing complex eCommerce applications. 


Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of our comparison between Laravel and Symfony, two of the best PHP frameworks. Throughout this blog post, we’ve explored the pros and cons of each framework, delved into their main features, performance, database support, dependency injection, REST API capabilities, innovation potential, and more. By now, you should have a solid understanding of what both Laravel and Symfony bring to the table. 

Laravel stands out as an excellent choice for eCommerce applications due to its rich feature set and robust development ecosystem. With its powerful ORM system, built-in security measures, efficient routing, and extensive package support, Laravel provides a solid foundation for building complex and scalable eCommerce platforms. Its expressive syntax, comprehensive documentation, and active community further contribute to its suitability for eCommerce development. Overall, Laravel’s strengths make it a compelling option for businesses seeking to create successful and feature-rich applications.

If you still hesitate which tech stack opts better for your project, feel free to contact the Simtech Development team. Our company comprises a team of highly experienced developers who are adept at leveraging the capabilities of Laravel and Symfony to deliver robust and scalable solutions tailored to your specific project requirements.

