Critical thinking is an indispensable pillar of doing business in today’s world. We know that you apply it well in business, but as long as we are technical experts, let me show you that the same should be done for technical things as well. And today I want to show you once again that not everything on the Internet needs to be trusted!
So, before we start doing the performance testing, let’s go ahead and think and answer a couple of important questions:
- HOW do we want to do the testing?
- WHY and WHAT FOR are we doing the performance test?
- WHAT do we want to GET, and WHAT TO DO with the results LATER?
If you’re fine with answering these issues, then we begin.

You know, I got my engineering degree in the “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science”, and attended different mathematics and exact sciences classes at the university. They taught me to believe only in statistics and accurate results. This is very important because from now on we will operate mostly on metrics and their values.
Roman Ananev
Let’s start with testing your CS-Cart project or Multi-Vendor not with third-party utilities, but with those that already exist. CS-Cart has a built-in utility for checking the project’s operability, and this is “Development mode”. Don’t be afraid; you won’t have to understand the code and all these complicated things, I will tell you how to look at everything from the outside and see the whole picture.
How to find performance issues: The easy way

As you can see, there is only one slide that shows how to find the problem spot on a page or the whole site at once in 3 steps.
It’s simple and there’s no secret knowledge to possess. And these three steps will allow you to test the performance of your project after the upgrade or during the acceptance of work from developers!
Roman Ananev

In addition to the report that you can see yourself, you can request us to do such research and analyze the project performance. We provide such reports upon request with a description to all clients on our Cloud Hosting solution.
Find performance issues with our team
And now about critical thinking

I took a leader in the eCommerce industry, and what do various performance checkers say about it? As you can see, the results are ambivalent. Do you think that such a company does not know how to optimize its projects and servers? Okay, let’s further test the performance.

Remember, I told you about TTFB in the previous report? Here is a performance report that shows how to get a terrible result in certain circumstances. For such a result, I think it would be possible to fire a couple of dozen Amazon engineers if they could not analyze the data. This report, as you can see, uses mobile network testing on the phone, which adds problems and overheads.
Are you sure you have a suitable device with all the updated software and the best internet?

Always look critically at all reports. Also, you can check your website with our Website Checker 🙃
Roman Ananev
Read more:
What Is End-To-End Testing? And Why You Need It In ECommerce