Great news! Today is the official release of our brand-new PWA&SPA application for CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor! You many times heard about PWAjet. It has been in the production state for some time. Now, we are ready to introduce it to a wide audience.
What is PWAjet?
It is a perfect blend of progressive web apps and single-page features. This is how our PWAjet is distinguished from other PWA solutions. At this, our PWAjet possesses the killer features of the best-in-class PWA examples.
What will PWAjet give you as a progressive web app:
- Quick Add-to-Homescreen notification for mobile users
- Offline operation allowing surfing your online store and adding to cart
- Fast operation
- App-like appearance with the desktop performance
With SPA technology incorporated into PWAjet, your PWA store:
- Loads fast
- Is rendered without distortion independently of the mobile device
- Lightweight