The Complete Guide to eCommerce Development 2024

Add-Ons Changelog for the Second Half of March 2022

Add-Ons Changelog

Hello! You’re with the Add-Ons Development Department. Look what awesome updates and useful improvements in CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor extensions we’ve got for you here for the second half of March 2022!

New Handy Functions and Improvements 

Here we have updates made to improve the logic or functionality of existing add-ons.

IP Geolocation by MaxMind

The add-on was improved for greater compatibility with other add-ons and themes to, ultimately, enhance the IP Geolocation by MaxMind capabilities.

Product Likes

We made the add-on compatible with CS-Cart 4.14.1. Previously, there was an error with category trees that couldn’t be collapsed and expanded on the new version of the platform. Now, the operation is restored and the add-on works well both in the admin and vendor panels.

Urban Shift Front Pack

We improved the mobile display of the image gallery. Now, when switching between product images, you will see arrows as it is implemented on desktop.

We also redesigned the cart block:

  • We added a title for the cart contents: Current cart content
  • After the title you will see the total number of products in the cart
  • We added the Clear button 
  • We replaced the X sign with ‘items’ to indicate the number of pieces of one product in the cart.
  • A product removal from the cart now is always displayed, not only on hovering on it, as it was before.
Urban Shift Cart block changes (before)
Urban Shift Cart block changes (after)

Follow Vendor

The list of vendors was made clickable to allow the user to click and go to the vendor store.

The list of vendors was made clickable to allow the user to click and go to the vendor store.

Generation Z

We made the Attachments display as tabs, not as a list for a greater comfort. 


If you want to see what has been added or fixed in add-ons, you can follow the links below and have a look at the changelog section.

IP Geolocation by MaxMind

v. 4.9.21

[added] The new hook is added to enhance the functionality of the add-on.

Product Likes

v. 4.14.1

[fixed] Failure to collapse categories in the tree categories on different storefronts is fixed.

Urban Shift Front Pack

v. 4.14.3

  • [added] Arrow click for switching images is added on mobile devices
  • [changed] The cart block is redesigned

Follow Vendor

v. 4.9.14

[changed] Vendor name redirects to the vendor store by clicking.

Generation Z

v. 4.14.5

[added] The theme is adapted to the “Attachments” default add-on.
